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Montag, 1. August 2016


I reached Aspront - a nice small mountain village. With all planning ahead, I missed the fact that shops are closed on Monday in Nice. So I have to go back by bus tomorrow and by gas and an adapter. That means, I can start here around noon and it woo be hot again.

3 Kommentare:

  1. Dieser Kommentar wurde vom Autor entfernt.

  2. This is part of leadership - the ability to adapt. Glad to hear that you kicked it off well.
    Greets from Aminona!

  3. Hallo Karl Heinz,
    aus dem dauerverregneten Solingen wünsche ich Dir passenderes Wetter auf Deiner großen Tourund sonst so das alles, was Hans-Karl schon aufgeführt hat!
    Alles Gute


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